Black Crow's Boots

Name : Black Crow's Boots

Link :

Craftkfu :

Level : 105

Description : These boots are in impeccable condition. It's not surprising for someone who did most of his traveling by air!

Rarity : Mythical

Type : Boots

Effects on Equipment :

[#charac HP] 94 HP

[#charac MP] 1 MP

[#charac RES_WATER_PERCENT] 33 Water Resistance

[#charac MELEE_DMG] 12 Melee Mastery

[#charac DMG_IN_PERCENT] 30 Mastery with 2 random elements

[#charac DODGE] 20 Dodge

[#charac RES_EARTH_PERCENT] 33 Earth Resistance

[#charac RES_AIR_PERCENT] 33 Air Resistance
