Piwi Dagger

Name : Piwi Dagger
Link : https://www.wakfu.com/en/mmorpg/encyclopedia/weapons/7030
Craftkfu : https://craftkfu.waklab.fr/?7030
Level : 30
Description : Is this the type of knife you'll want to keep by your side forever, or just for a day?
Rarity : Rare
Type : Dagger{[~1]?s:} (Second hand)
Effects in use :
Light Damage: 11
Effects in use (Critical) :
Light Damage: 14
Effects on Equipment :
12 HP
2% Critical Hit
13 Mastery of 3 random element
Job : Weapons Master
Level : 10
Ingredients :
12 * Piwi Beak
5 * Basic Souper-Glou
2 * Basic Handle