Phosphorescent Breastplate

Name : Phosphorescent Breastplate
Link :
Craftkfu :
Level : 80
Description : No more getting lost in the dark!
Rarity : Mythical
Type : Breastplate{[~1]?s:}
Effects on Equipment :
[#charac DODGE] 7 Dodge
[#charac TACKLE] 7 Lock
[#charac MP] 1 MP
[#charac HP] 81 HP
[#charac DMG_IN_PERCENT] 20 Mastery with 1 random elements
[#charac BLOCK] 2% Block
[#charac BACKSTAB_BONUS] 14 Rear Mastery
[#charac RES_IN_PERCENT] 20 Elemental Resistance
Job : Armorer
Level : 50
Ingredients :
2 * Widow Rump
13 * Arachnee Leg
12 * Rustic Souper-Glou
7 * Rustic Steel
2 * Arachnee Venom
2 * Powder