Larduous Breastplate

Name : Larduous Breastplate
Link :
Craftkfu :
Level : 123
Description : Twist one of the wings on this thing and it'll tune you into Live 'n' Lardy FM, the only radio station that will have you snorting with laughter all day long.
Rarity : Mythical
Type : Breastplate{[~1]?s:}
Effects on Equipment :
153 HP
1 Control
1 MP
4 Critical Mastery
29 Mastery of 2 random element
4% Block
18 Dodge
19 Elemental Resistance
15 Distance Mastery
7 Healing Mastery
Job : Armorer
Level : 78
Ingredients :
2 * Durable Orb
2 * Luminous Lead Ore
2 * Dragon Pig Blood
15 * Durable Souper-Glou
9 * Durable Plate
7 * Powder