
Name : Jelt
Link :
Craftkfu :
Level : 110
Description : This social outcast of a belt decided to try to become cool by imitating the Gelano. Now, you too can try to be cool by pretending your Gelano fits around your waist.
Rarity : Legendary
Type : Belt{[~1]?s:}
Effects on Equipment :
4% Critical Hit
105 HP
1 WP
18 Elemental Resistance
9 Critical Mastery
35 Mastery of 3 random element
Job : Leather Dealer
Level : 70
Ingredients :
10 * Powder
22 * Solid Souper-Glou
3 * Living Sweet Gum
3 * Royal Jelly
25 * Strawberry Jelly
1 * Jelt
3 * Malted Cotton