Hagen Daz Amulet

Name : Hagen Daz Amulet
Link : https://www.wakfu.com/en/mmorpg/encyclopedia/armors/16034
Craftkfu : https://craftkfu.waklab.fr/?16034
Level : 120
Description : This amulet is so high in Taroudium that it may cause unwanted side effects!
Rarity : Mythical
Type : Amulet{[~1]?s:}
Effects on Equipment :
[#charac HP] 49 HP
[#charac RANGE] 1 Range
[#charac AP] 1 AP
[#charac RES_FIRE_PERCENT] 20 Fire Resistance
[#charac MELEE_DMG] 12 Melee Mastery
[#charac DMG_IN_PERCENT] 18 Mastery with 3 random elements
[#charac TACKLE] 10 Lock
[#charac RES_EARTH_PERCENT] 20 Earth Resistance
[#charac RES_WATER_PERCENT] 20 Water Resistance