Holshy Bangs

Name : Holshy Bangs
Link : https://www.wakfu.com/en/mmorpg/encyclopedia/armors/15359
Craftkfu : https://craftkfu.waklab.fr/?15359
Level : 33
Description : With a hairstyle like this, you'll have teens falling at your feet the World over. Except, perhaps, in the Windy Village. You wouldn't set foot there if your life depended on it.
Rarity : Mythical
Type : Helmet{[~1]?s:}
Effects on Equipment :
[#charac BACKSTAB_BONUS] 16 Rear Mastery
[#charac RES_IN_PERCENT] 10 Elemental Resistance
[#charac HP] 30 HP
[#charac DODGE] 15 Dodge
Job : Tailor
Level : 14
Ingredients :
1 * Royal Tofu Feather
10 * Basic Souper-Glou
5 * Basic String
10 * Tofu Feather