Exi's Ancestral Shovel

Name : Exi's Ancestral Shovel
Link : https://www.wakfu.com/en/mmorpg/encyclopedia/weapons/14675
Craftkfu : https://craftkfu.waklab.fr/?14675
Level : 95
Description : This Enutrof was not known for his greed alone. He was also an extraordinary blacksmith said to have created many works of art.
Rarity : Legendary
Type : Shovel{[~1]?s:} (Two-handed)
Effects in use :
Light Damage: 41
Effects in use (Critical) :
Light Damage: 51
Effects on Equipment :
1 Range
1 MP
40 Dodge
151 HP
3% Critical Hit
6 Rear Mastery
53 Mastery of 3 random element
15 Elemental Resistance
Job : Weapons Master
Level : 63
Ingredients :
5 * Golden Brown Dung
1 * Weapons Master's Seal
5 * Dry Branch
3 * Royal Moogrr Mimilk
7 * Cloudy Cotton
5 * Royal Wool
5 * Tofu Shovel