Tot's Great Big Sword

Name : Tot's Great Big Sword
Link :
Craftkfu :
Level : 95
Description : An imposing blade which once belonged to a mythical, bearded warrior. The rumor goes that he had a T tattooed on each butt cheek.
Rarity : Legendary
Type : Sword{[~1]?s:} (Two-handed)
Effects in use :
Light Damage: 75
Effects in use (Critical) :
Light Damage: 93
Effects on Equipment :
[#charac AP] 1 AP
[#charac TACKLE] 50 Lock
[#charac HP] 230 HP
[#charac DMG_IN_PERCENT] 47 Mastery with 3 random elements
[#charac FEROCITY] 3% Critical Hit
[#charac RES_IN_PERCENT] 10 Elemental Resistance
Job : Weapons Master
Level : 63
Ingredients :
3 * Royal Pincer
5 * Koko Beard
3 * Dreamy Blade
5 * Royal Canine
7 * Cloudy Cotton
5 * Royal Wool
1 * Weapons Master's Seal