Hushed Scepter

Name : Hushed Scepter
Link :
Craftkfu :
Level : 110
Description : This scepter is said to contain the sighs and murmurs of ancient kings.
Rarity : Legendary
Type : Staff{[~1]?s:} (One-handed)
Effects in use :
Light Damage: 41
Effects in use (Critical) :
Light Damage: 51
Effects on Equipment :
[#charac DODGE] -30 Dodge
[#charac HP] 87 HP
[#charac AP] 1 AP
[#charac RES_IN_PERCENT] 12 Elemental Resistance
[#charac DMG_IN_PERCENT] 55 Mastery with 3 random elements
[#charac FEROCITY] 3% Critical Hit
Job : Weapons Master
Level : 70
Ingredients :
1 * Hushed Scepter
13 * Solid Handle
22 * Solid Souper-Glou
3 * Hushed Metal
3 * Whispered Metal
25 * Opal Fabric
10 * Powder