Rampart Amulet

Name : Rampart Amulet
Link : https://www.wakfu.com/en/mmorpg/encyclopedia/armors/14431
Craftkfu : https://craftkfu.waklab.fr/?14431
Level : 110
Description : It protects the body and mind with a single look.
Rarity : Mythical
Type : Amulet{[~1]?s:}
Effects on Equipment :
1 AP
20 Elemental Resistance
37 Mastery of 2 random element
20 Lock
133 HP
Job : Jeweler
Level : 70
Ingredients :
9 * Stoneguard
4 * Solid Essence
15 * Solid Souper-Glou
4 * Powder
1 * Spare Tile
1 * Whisp
1 * Rampart Amulet