Milkar Fur

Name : Milkar Fur
Link :
Craftkfu :
Level : 95
Description : With one of these ferocious specimens on your front and one on your back, you'll look like... well, a beast with two backs.
Rarity : Legendary
Type : Breastplate{[~1]?s:}
Effects on Equipment :
1 Control
30 Lock
157 HP
47 Mastery of 3 random element
3% Block
40 Elemental Resistance
24 Melee Mastery
Job : Armorer
Level : 60
Ingredients :
7 * Powder
3 * Raw Orb
2 * Moowolf Fang
19 * Raw Souper-Glou
3 * Imperial Bauxite
1 * Milkar Fur