Starry Hat

Name : Starry Hat
Link :
Craftkfu :
Level : 76
Description : It's like having your head in the clouds… except that... it's in the... stars…
Rarity : Rare
Type : Helmet{[~1]?s:}
Effects on Equipment :
[#charac DMG_IN_PERCENT] 30 Mastery with 2 random elements
[#charac DODGE] 30 Dodge
[#charac HP] 91 HP
[#charac RES_IN_PERCENT] 22 Elemental Resistance
[#charac HEAL_IN_PERCENT] 5 Healing Mastery
Job : Tailor
Level : 47
Ingredients :
1 * Powder
2 * Crow Claws
13 * Crobak Beak
5 * Rustic Souper-Glou
3 * Rustic Fiber